Origin of AUM / OM / ॐ

What is Aum?

Origin of AUM / OM / ॐ

The origin of AUM / OM / ॐ is not known even today but the first mention was in the Upanishads.

The Upanishads are mystical texts from Vedanta philosophy associated with the concepts of “Cosmic Sound” and “affirmation to something divine” and the origins of AUM / OM / ॐ.

Did you know that each part of Aum/Om/ॐ its curves, crescent, and dot, all have a specific meaning?

5 Parts of the Aum/Om/ॐ Symbol

  • 1 of 5: The Large Lower Curve signifies a normal waking state. In this condition, one’s mind is completely active and can identify physical/psychological activeness through the five senses.
  • 2 of 5: The Middle Curve signifies a dream state. This is a state between waking and deep sleep. The subconscious mind takes you to the imaginary world of desires, hopes, and fears.
  • 3 of 5: The Upper Curve signifies an unconscious state of deep sleep. In this condition, one is unconscious, in dreamless deep sleep, and withdrawn from all the physical and mental activities.
  • 4 of 5 – Parts of the Aum/Om/ॐ Symbol. The Crescent signifies materialism and a veil of illusion. It is separate from the three curves so the illusion of materialism binds the person in materialism and detaches from other curves of consciousness, sub-consciousness, and unconsciousness.
  • 5 of 5: The Dot signifies a transcendental state of enlightenment and harmony – an absolute, universal, and spiritual energy that is hidden from the self by the veil of illusion.

Sanskrit symbol, ॐ/Aum/Om

AUM/OM/ॐ is a sacred syllable and symbol that is the greatest of all mantras or solutions to better living.

In Sanskrit, from where OM has originated, A and U vowels coalesce to become O.

  • Aum/Om/ॐ triads: Three worlds – Earth, Atmosphere, and Heaven.
  • Aum/ Om / ॐ triads: Three kamas – Thought, Speech, and Action.
  • Aum/ Om / ॐ triads: Three qualities – Goodness, Passion, and Darkness.

Thus, AUM has the essence of the whole universe.

Aum/Om/ॐ triads: Three conditions of consciousness: The waking state, the dreaming state, and the deep sleep state.

Aum/Om/ॐ triads: Three parts of a life cycle – Creation, Preservation, and Destruction.

After the first three sounds of AUM, the fourth sound is the sound of silence, only understood in relation to the sacred sound of AUM itself, who’s stillness at the end of breath, requires no interpretation.

How to chant Aum/Om/ॐ:

  • 1/4: To derive the best out AUM, need to pronounce it in the right way. To begin chanting, you need to choose a quiet place, free from distractions.
  • 2 of 4: Take a deep breath, swell the chest and start chanting with the vibration of the first syllable ‘A’. It is pronounced as “awe”.
  • 3/4: Bring your lips together and continue the stretch to say ‘U’. It is pronounced as “ooo” and feels like a vibrating throat.
  • 4/4: Now gently close your lips then teeth to feel the vibration of ‘M’. It is pronounced as a prolonged “mmm”. You will feel a full vibration as your body completes chanting AUM and the silence thereafter.

The golden time of chanting Aum/Om/ॐ is the morning before your mind is distracted. It will help you to start your day with freshness, a sense of fulfillment, and confidence.

If you are new to meditation and just start with chanting Aum/Om/ॐ for 5 minutes and gradually increase it up to 21 minutes daily.

The vibration created by chanting Aum dawn will reach into your deeper self and allow you to derive the best benefits.

Chanting AUM/OM will help you in equalizing your resonating frequencies and awaken your higher self.

As you practice AUM / OM chanting on a regular basis, it improves your concentration – you become more attentive and focused.

How to chant OM?

To derive the best out of this mystical word you need to pronounce it in the right way. So to start chanting you need to choose the least disturbing spot. Now close all your mind and body.

  • Take a deep breath, swell the chest and start chanting with the vibration of the first syllable ‘A’. It is pronounced as “awe”.
  • Bring your lips together and continue the stretch to say ‘U’. It is pronounced as “ooo” and feels like a vibrating throat.
  • Now gently close your lips then teeth to feel the vibration of ‘M’. It is pronounced as a prolonged “mmm”.

You will feel a vibrating mouth. It is the complete word in itself as it uses all your body to chant AUM.

Chanting AUM/OM regularly washes away mental pressures to restore calmness and stability of mind.

Chanting AUM/OM is an adjuvant therapy in bursting stress, anxiety, and depression.

Chanting AUM/OM is a form of meditation that promotes peacefulness and removes all distractions going on in your mind.

Mediation has shown unbelievable results in improving heart health. Some studies claim that chanting AUM/OM multiplies all benefits of meditation.

AUM (ॐ) helps to restore your mind, soul, body, and balance. The balance of cardiac rhythm clears your mind and wipes away all your stresses and worries.

Incorporating AUM/OM/ॐ shields your energies from all the negative powers and strengthens them.

Get rid of frustration, anger, ego, and irritation and welcome a new calm, stress-free and happy life by practicing AUM/OM chanting.

When to chant OM?

The golden time of chanting OM is the morning before starting all other chores. It will help you to start your day with freshness, a sense of fulfillment, and confidence. If you are new to meditation and just start with chanting OM for 5 minutes and gradually increase it up to 21 minutes daily. This vibration in dawn will reach into your deeper self and allow you to derive the best benefits.

To understand the deep mysteries of AUM one needs to understand the law of Nature. It says each particle of this universe is in motion and has a source of energy. Everything has an energetic aura whether positive or negative. So, all these energies are forms of vibrations and their frequencies. So we emit our aura and energetic vibrations through thoughts, actions, and words. Hence if you will energize your mind with positive vibrations of thoughts, words, and actions, they will reap! Otherwise dumping jealousy, sorrow, misery, and treachery in your mind all the time will bring all of them to you. This is the law of Nature, a law of the Universe.

Chanting OM will help you in resonating frequencies and awaken your higher self.

Health Benefits of Chanting OM

Helps to Improve Concentration

OM detaches you from the outside world and connects you with your inner self while putting all your worries and tensions aside. As you practice OM chanting on a regular basis, it improves your concentration and you become more attentive and focused.

Reduces Anxiety and Stress

Research shows that chanting OM reduces the activity of the limbic system, a portion of the brain associated with stress and emotions. So if you chant OM regularly it washes away mental pressures to restore calmness and stability of mind. This is adjuvant therapy in bursting stress, anxiety, and depression. As it is a form of meditation so it promotes peacefulness and removes all distractions going on in your mind.

Detoxifies and Rejuvenates Body

OM improves the detoxification process of the body, blood circulation, and supply of oxygen. Let’s quickly detoxify your body. Just chant OM once, you took a deep breath to chant and this process has rid so many toxins from your body. So the more you will practice, the more toxins you will relieve.

Improves Heart and Digestive System

Mediation has shown unbelievable results in improving heart health. Some studies claim that chanting OM multiplies all benefits of meditation manifold as it is a supreme form of meditation.

Ensures Sound Sleep

Late nights of working and disturbed days are impacting your overall body cycle. Especially disturbing sleep and anxious nights smack your brain. A conscious meditation helps in curing insomnia but chanting OM with closed eyes helps way more. It restores your mind, soul, body, and balance. The balance of cardiac rhythm clears your mind and wipes all your stress/ worries. So start chanting OM regularly and cherish sound nights of sleep.

Reduces Negativity

An unstable and anxious mind always thinks negatively whenever some unfavorable incident happens or a thought arises. You are unable to differentiate between right and wrong decisions, acts, and people around you. It’s high time for you to start chanting OM so you can improve your reasoning ability and make better decisions in all good and bad circumstances. Don’t let negativity engulf all your real thoughts and existence.

Chanting and the symbol Aum (Om) has benefits for your mental, physical, psychological, and overall health and life like it strengthens your spinal cord, fights fatigue and gives you more confidence and a lot more countless benefits.

Video – 5 Parts of AUM / OM / ॐ

Origins of Om / Aum


The short but complete take away from this article is recognition. You must recognize the true meaning of OM, its components, deep connection with the universe, and astounding benefits. This is healing magic for all the problems and worries. The practice of Om on a regular basis shields your energies from all the negative powers and strengthens them. Get rid of frustration, anger, ego, and irritation and welcome a new calm, stress-free and happy life by practicing OM chanting.

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